Thursday, December 29, 2016

Manipulating Metaphors, Selling Products That Tell Stories And Using Narratives To Become More Productive

Three Items:
"political advisers have long known that if you manipulate metaphors, you can influence policy: Is a rise in crime portrayed as “a wild beast rampaging through the city that must be stopped” or as “a spreading virus infecting the city that must be stopped”? In one study in which people read one or another version of these two news accounts, the “beast” group recommended “catch-and-cage” solutions (lock ’em up), but the “virus” group recommended “remove-unhealthy-conditions” solutions (deal with poverty and joblessness)."
See Want to Get People to ‘Yes’? Follow the Lessons of Robert Cialdini’s ‘Pre-Suasion’: Carol Tavris explains why the most important part of an argument can be preparing the audience to receive it.
"Prof. Christensen has been developing this theory of “jobs to be done” for the past 15 years, and it has produced a range of insights. American Girl, for example, doesn’t just sell dolls, he says; because the company’s dolls come with a story, it is also selling an experience that represents times and places in U.S. history."
See Clayton Christensen Has a New Theory:When is a milkshake more than a beverage? The Harvard Business School professor on what drives consumer choices by Alexandra Wolfe.
"more productive thinking emerges when people tell stories about what is going on around them, whether their assignments and obligations are large or small. Constant narration helps people figure out how to focus their attention where it is needed."

"My father was saying what science now confirms. To truly be productive, it’s best to create your own narrative."
See Habits of Highly Productive People By Amy Dockser Marcus. It is a review of the book Smarter Faster Better By Charles Duhigg.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Storytelling is linked to the ability to be a good provider

See Why Good Storytellers Are Happier in Life and in Love: Studies find the way people tell their own stories has an outsize effect on their life satisfaction by Elizabeth Bernstein of the WSJ. Being a "good provider" is certainly related to economics. Excerpt:
"The results were the same across all three studies: Women rated men who were good storytellers as more attractive and desirable as potential long-term partners. Psychologists believe this is because the man is showing that he knows how to connect, to share emotions and, possibly, to be vulnerable. He also is indicating that he is interesting and articulate and can gain resources and provide support.

“Storytelling is linked to the ability to be a good provider,” because a man is explaining what he can offer, says Melanie Green, an associate professor in the department of communication at the University at Buffalo and a researcher on the study. The men didn’t care whether the women were good storytellers, the research showed."